Call for papers
Paper submission to the main conference is now CLOSED. |
IEEE WoWMoM 2021 is soliciting original and previously unpublished papers addressing research challenges and advances in the areas of wireless, mobile, and multimedia networking as well as ubiquitous and pervasive systems and applications. Wireless networking technologies are continuously evolving and have become a critical part of modern life, be it for communication services, media distribution or sensing and actuation services within the Internet of things context. To provide users with high quality of experience in multimedia communication and distribution, especially under moderate to high utilization, appropriate resource management and architectural networking paradigms are necessary. Edge computing and data-driven artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are becoming essential tools to cope with the increasing diversity of connected devices, and the plethora of new data-intensive and latency-sensitive applications requested by end-users. At the same time, Internet of Things environments, wearable computing and sensors, support a diverse range of application domains and services, providing rich sets of measurements for characterizing, detecting, and understanding complex behaviors and systems and enabling feedback mechanisms that allow them to control such systems. IEEE WoWMoM 2021 takes a broad view and seeks papers describing innovative research contributions to the field of mobile and wireless networking and applications. We solicit papers that present original work, validated by experimentation, simulation, or analysis. We also welcome practical experiences and experimental efforts from both industry and academia, duly documenting the lessons learned from testbeds, field trials, or real deployments.
- 5G/Beyond 5G networks for mobile and multimedia services
- AI-assisted and data-driven networking in wireless, mobile and multimedia networks
- Authentication, authorization, accounting for wireless, mobile and multimedia networks
- Cognitive communications and networking
- Communication technologies and services for MTC
- Content-centric architectures for wireless, mobile and multimedia networks
- Context-awareness in wireless, mobile and multimedia networks
- Dependability and survivability issues for wireless, mobile and multimedia networks
- Edge and cloud computing for wireless, mobile and multimedia networking and services
- Energy-efficiency for wireless, mobile and multimedia networks
- Internet/Web of Things
- Localization, tracking, and mobility management and services
- Middleware services for wireless, mobile and multimedia networks
- Mobile big data networking and services
- Mobile social networks
- Modeling, analysis, and performance evaluation of wireless, mobile and multimedia networks
- Network traffic characterization and measurements
- Opportunistic and delay-tolerant networking
- Participatory, mobile and urban sensing
- Resource management and QoS/QoE provisioning
- Satellite and hybrid satellite-terrestrial networking
- Seamless inter-networking and self-organisation
- Software Defined Networking, Network Function Virtualization, and slicing for wireless and mobile networks
- System prototypes, measurements, real-world deployment, and experiences
- Trust and privacy issues for wireless, mobile and multimedia networks
- Vehicular communication systems
- Virtual mobile infrastructure
- Wearable Computing
- Wireless multimedia systems, services and applications
Authors are invited to submit papers describing original, previously
unpublished work, not currently under review by another conference,
workshop, or a journal.
Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all
submissions must be done electronically through EDAS
(register your paper now!).
Authors can submit regular or work-in-progress papers (appropriate
category to be selected upon submission).
Regular papers submissions may be up to 10 pages in length (including figures and references), formatted in two-column IEEE conference style with font size 10 points or greater.
Work-in-progress papers provide a peer-reviewed forum for late-breaking or preliminary research results, giving an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present and demonstrate their recent research, and to obtain feedback from their peers in a poster session. Work-in-progress papers submissions may be up to 4 pages in length (including figures and references) and must have a prefix "WIP:" in the title of the paper.
An author of an accepted paper is required to register for the
conference at the full (member or non-member) rate and the paper
must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference,
unless a written request before the conference for a substitute
presenter with compelling reasons is sent to the TPC Co-Chairs and
permission is granted. Accepted papers (both regular and WIP) will be included in the
proceedings of IEEE WoWMoM 2021 and will be made available through the IEEE
Xplore digital library.
All conference proceedings must meet IEEE's quality standards, and
IEEE reserves the right not to publish any proceedings that do not
meet these standards. Furthermore, IEEE reserves the right to remove
papers from IEEE Xplore that are not presented at the conference.
for unjustified reasons.
Extended versions of selected papers from IEEE WoWMoM 2021 will be invited for possible publication in the Elsevier journals:
- Computer Communications (Impact factor 2.816, Clarivate Analytics 2020), and
- Pervasive and Mobile Computing (Impact factor 2.725, Clarivate Analytics 2020).
All accepted regular papers will be considered for the Cisco Best Paper Award. A committee will select three best paper candidates based on the reviews received. The winner will be decided also based on the quality of the presentation and announced during the conference. The recipient(s) of the Cisco Best Paper Award will be awarded a cash prize, while the runner-ups will receive a certificate from the organizing committee.
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